Focusing more on events which bring communities together

Chris Clarke, Policy Researcher at HOPE not hate, argues that we need to focus more on events which bring communities together

A smart city with a reputation for investment success

The NewcastleGateshead Initiative detail Newcastle’s development as a smart city, following the city’s success in the recent global Smart City Index

Taking a resilient approach to smart cities

Building in protection from online attacks becomes vital as technology designed to create resilient and sustainable smart cities could create a playground for digital criminals

State of Play: Smart cities in 2018 and 2022

In this article, Joe Fyans looks at the change in the state of play of smart cities in the last few years, looking towards what could be a pivotal year for the agenda

A national playground network is needed to ‘Level Up’

Mark Hardy argues that now is the time for a national network of playgrounds to tackle the disparity between deprived communities and more affluent areas

Challenging the public sector’s Business-as-Usual culture

Why does the public sector culture of ‘Business as Usual’ often fail to deliver effective change? Romy Hughes explores

The Road Safety Markings Association detail the post-pandemic benefits of well-maintained road markings

Eight public sector technology predictions for 2022

Tim Pitts shares his technology predictions for the public sector for 2022, including the better harnessing the power of data

Adapting to survive – What did COP26 achieve?

Laura Hughes, partner at Browne Jacobson, discusses the key takeaways for local government at November’s COP26

How smart cities can support climate action

Businesses are now digitising fast and investing in low carbon infrastructure. Local authorities have a big role to play in this transition, writes Teodora Kaneva

Why safety and security must lead the Smart City conversation

Iain Moran, director at ATG Access, discusses the myriad ways in which smart city solutions can improve the security of our towns and cities

Decarbonising local transport

Local authorities are being given the powers to deliver successful public transport systems, but the necessary funding and support must follow, writes Paul Tuohy

Climate change and the air inside public buildings

Chris Yates explores the need for better ventilation in public buildings, as well as the effect that heating requirements can have on the environment

UK’s EV transition offers great opportunity as well as challenge

Zemo’s Neil Wallis and Jonathan Murray discuss the agenda of the EV Energy Taskforce and the electrification of road transport

Smart cities and local gov: what next after the pandemic?

Melissa Thorne and Kat McManus explain how smart cities can help make cities more sustainable and responsive to the needs of local residents

Tech priorities for government leaders and departments for 2022

Alan Warr says the benefits available from the explosion of new technologies will be greatest for those leaders who don’t just focus on the technology

How IT has coped with the pressures of the pandemic

Sascha Giese examines how IT professionals in the public sector have coped in the past 18 months and what their expectations are for the future

GB Q&A: Net Zero action in West Yorkshire

GB talks to Tracy Brabin, Mayor of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, about Net Zero ambitions, local collaboration and tackling food waste


Event Diary


UKREiiF has quickly become a must-attend in the industry calendar for Government departments and local authorities.

The multi-award-winning UK Construction Week (UKCW), is the UK’s biggest trade event for the built environment that connects the whole supply chain to be the catalyst for growth and positive change in the industry.