Few people in fleet can claim a career as diverse as Martin Edgecox. From working with manufacturers, central government, trade unions and navigating the automotive supply chain, he has, in his own words, "been around the block"
Christopher Hammond, UK100's chief executive looks at how local authorities can play a key role in cleaning up energy
Newcastle City Council has launched a new car club offering Newcastle businesses and residents access to pay-as-you-go vehicle hire from a range of
The government is set to unveil plans for a new bill that will revolutionise Britain’s railways that will materialise Great British Railways (GBR) as a new body to deliver reliable train services for the nation.
The Scottish Government has made changes to its plans for social care reform.
The government has launched consultations in six areas on proposals to establish mayoral combined authorities or mayoral combined county authoritie
The government has announced new measures intended to speed up and simplify procurement processes in the public sector.
The Local Government Association (LGA) has warned that councils could face an £8 billion funding black hole by 2028/29 without urgent action
The mayor of London has announced more than £985,000 investment to support communities across London, in a movement to unite Londoners together against hate.
Adare SEC works with over 100 authorities across the UK, trusted with the production of critical, highly secure communications such as revenues and benefits and electoral documentation, along with the volume of essential everyday communications that flow between local authorities and citizens.
Returning to the NAEC Stoneleigh in Warwickshire from 24-26 June, Road Transport Expo (RTX) is back with its winning ‘All about the truck’ formula.
19-20 November 2025, ExCeL London
elementalLONDON’s debut show is the latest launch from the team behind InstallerSHOW, building on the success of the elemental digital brand, which delivers news, views and solutions on reaching net zero to its audience of built environment professionals.
Education Business LIVE is a carefully designed conference and exhibition bringing together education people with a passion for the promotion and development of effective school leadership, management, learning and teaching.
At Frontline Cleaners Express Ltd, we understand the importance of a pristine, hygienic environme
Few people in fleet can claim a career as diverse as Martin Edgecox. From working with manufacturers, central government, trade unions and navigating the automotive supply chain, he has, in his own words, "been around the block"
Mass-scale, immature innovations spread rapidly due to their accessibility and integration into personal devices within organisations. How can public IT stay resilient against the mass adoption of unregulated technologies asks Antonio Hidalgo Landa, chair of the BCS consultancy specialist group.