A new scheme to harness smart data for energy could help the British public lower their energy bills as well as gain greater control over their energy consumption.
Michael Ellam has been appointed as Second Permanent Secretary, European Union and International Economic Affairs at the Cabinet Office.
Between 14th to 20th January 2025, millions of rail tickets will be available at half price as part of the government’s annual rail sale.
Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has launched a new London Growth Plan intended to return London to pre-global financial crash rates of growth.
The Legal Aid Agency (LAA) funds the Housing Loss and Prevention Advice Service (HLPAS) across England and Wales to deliver early legal advice to anyone at risk of possession proceedings and losing their home.
Tai ar y Cyd, a group of 23 Welsh social landlords, have developed a pattern book that aims to help making building houses in Wales more sustainable, energy efficient, and cost effective, which is to be fully unveiled on 15th January at University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Swansea campus.
The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has published its 2024 Global Accounts, providing a financial overview of private registered providers of social housing for the year up to 31st March 2024.
25 businesses across the country have received almost £52 million of government funding to reduce their carbon emissions, all as part of the UK government’s Plan for Change to accelerate net zero and become a clean energy pioneer.
Sue Robb of 4Children talks to Julie Laughton and Alison Britton from the Department for Education about the role of childminders in delivering the 30 hours free entitlement.
At Firechief® we have a vision of a world where people can live and work free from the fear of fire.
19-20 November 2025, ExCeL London
elementalLONDON’s debut show is the latest launch from the team behind InstallerSHOW, building on the success of the elemental digital brand, which delivers news, views and solutions on reaching net zero to its audience of built environment professionals.
Education Business LIVE is a carefully designed conference and exhibition bringing together education people with a passion for the promotion and development of effective school leadership, management, learning and teaching.
Welcoming millions of visitors every year, Leeds is an exceptional city known as one of the top 10 conference destinations in the UK, with its independent spirit and international vision. Compact and accessible, you can walk everywhere in Leeds with all conferencing venues and hotels within easy reach.
More and more waste is beginning to be recycled correctly, both on a national and local level.