Prior to the general election, the IED asked members the question: what is your single biggest ask of the incoming government to support economic development?
The Local Government Association (LGA) has warned that councils could face an £8 billion funding black hole by 2028/29 without urgent action
The mayor of London has announced more than £985,000 investment to support communities across London, in a movement to unite Londoners together against hate.
Following an analysis that has revealed that boroughs will suffer from a £500 million shortfall in the coming year, London Councils are calling on the government to consider better council investment in the government’s Spending Review, set to be announced this spring.
Over a hundred sites across England have come forward to be considered for the next generation of towns, with hundreds of thousands of working people set to benefit from the investment.
A new study has found that Bradford's clean air zone has reduced air pollution and saved the health service about £30,7000 a month in its
A £300 million funding package by the government and Active Travel England (ATE) will go towards greener transport and making the UK more accessible for those on foot or on bikes.
The government has announced an investment of £350 million to increase the number of affordable and social homes, as well as support home own
A new state-of-the-art government office building in First Street in Manchester has received a key stage of its construction.
Adare SEC works with over 100 authorities across the UK, trusted with the production of critical, highly secure communications such as revenues and benefits and electoral documentation, along with the volume of essential everyday communications that flow between local authorities and citizens.
Returning to the NAEC Stoneleigh in Warwickshire from 24-26 June, Road Transport Expo (RTX) is back with its winning ‘All about the truck’ formula.
19-20 November 2025, ExCeL London
elementalLONDON’s debut show is the latest launch from the team behind InstallerSHOW, building on the success of the elemental digital brand, which delivers news, views and solutions on reaching net zero to its audience of built environment professionals.
Education Business LIVE is a carefully designed conference and exhibition bringing together education people with a passion for the promotion and development of effective school leadership, management, learning and teaching.
At Frontline Cleaners Express Ltd, we understand the importance of a pristine, hygienic environme
Last year, the UK Government's Cyber Essentials (CE) scheme celebrated its tenth anniversary, marking a decade of growth. The scheme is centered around five technical controls and is proven to protect organisations of all sizes from the most common cyber attacks
John Kimmance, chief customer officer at Ordnance Survey (OS) looks ahead at the technology trends of 2025