
Our ESG Vision - To Leave a legacy that continuously improves people’s lives.

In a world where environmental accountability and sustainable responsibility is vital, XMA is recognised as a leader in the IT industry, championing carbon reduction initiatives and actively supporting our customers in their journey towards a greener future. With a deep commitment to corporate social responsibility and a forward-thinking approach, we have become a trusted partner for businesses seeking to align their operations with eco-friendly practices.

At XMA, your sustainability goals and Total Experience aspirations drive us to help you deliver. Our SMART (Secure, Manageable, Agile, Responsible Technology) solutions are designed to extend the life of your IT assets to reduce e-waste, reduce your data centre footprint, reduce building energy waste, strengthen your cyber resilience, and unify ESG data for timely stakeholder reporting.

Our ESG strategy is not about greenwashing or global offsetting; it focuses on being a truly responsible organisation focused on improving lives and the world around us.

XMA champion positive change!

Our core is maintaining our alignment to our ESG Missions Statements, keeping ESG at the heart of everything we do:

To ensure XMA are supporting customers in the battle against climate and the reduction in emissions, we have implemented the range of solutions below:

Green Procurement

Through our longstanding relationships with Vendors, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Distribution Partners, XMA ensure where possible that the products offered are energy-efficient and adhere to strict environmental standards.  We work with our customer to demonstrate eco-friendly choices, whilst always looking at ways to reduce carbon emissions associated to IT procurement.

IT Circular Economy Managed Service

Robust lifecycle management of IT assets is crucial for minimising e-waste and maximising resource efficiency. XMA have developed multiple solutions to improve our customers output in this area, from standard ITAD services, to improved 2nd use (Garde A) IT supply and Circular Economy Managed Service, elongating the lifespan of a customer estate, whilst retaining their title, fully de-risk and allowing their budgets to stretch further.

IT Managed Service

Outsourcing an IT Managed Service to XMA, as a technology supply and support specialist, delivers a range of customer benefits including flexibility, scalability and accountability which, when combined, provides an outcome-based service facilitating core business focus. As well as covering key service elements, these outcomes extend to include ESG benefits. For example, full device lifecycle management to support the circular economy.

Carbon Reduction Initiatives

Combined, Grouped or Consolidated Deliveries:
Delivery programmes to minimise unnecessary packaging, waste, congestion and carbon emission creation within the ‘last mile’ delivery stage, through vehicle optimisation, route planning effectiveness and ‘end’ destination management.  

Sustainable Shipping Solutions:
Standard or fully secure options incorporating the complete removal of all standard shipping and packaging waste, taking the burden of disposal, segregation and reporting and ensuring that 100% goes for recycling.

Cardboard Circular Economy:
Standard operational carboard and cardboard received from our sustainable shipping solution, are segregated within our Recycling Centre and shredded for infill to be used in other areas of our business.

Sustainable Packing Solutions:
For customers with smaller shipment requirements, we have replaced ALL single-use plastic with alternatives. This includes paper tape replacing plastic tape, to secure shipments and sugarcane packaging replacing plastic packaging, benefitting customers environmental credentials and carbon reduction planning.

Enterprise and Total Experience

Maintaining data security in an environmentally friendly manner continues to be problematic. XMA recognises these concerns and have adapted multiple solutions for customers to reduce their carbon footprint through application migration to the cloud, edge of cloud, co-location or on premise and leveraging flexible consumption models, whilst allowing scale in IT infrastructure based on actual demand and avoid overprovisioning.

Investing Where It Counts

XMA are actively working towards realising the UN’s 17 Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs).  For XMA, it’s crucial that we develop our sustainability strategy in alignment with all SDGs. We have rolled out a programme, directed by the ESG Board, to focus on SDGs where we can make a Pro Active or Active impact

HR in an ESG World

HR is responsible for the S in ESG. We have clear strategies in play, a dedicated Emerging Careers and Diversity Manager and a retained relationship with Chris Luff M.B.E, to position, process and execute against our strategies.

We partner with Vitality and YuLife to support employees, their families and external communities with good health and well-being.

Aligned to the digital currency YuLife facilitates, linked to various charities, employees have donated to provide families with over 86 weeks supply of clean water, 655 meals for those in need, planted 138 trees and removed 19.4kg of plastic from the ocean.

Other initiatives include our electric car scheme which has saved 9.8 tonnes of Co2 emissions. This scheme continues to grow!

XMA are a Real Living Wage Employer, Investor in People and Disability Confident employer.

Event Diary


UKREiiF has quickly become a must-attend in the industry calendar for Government departments and local authorities.

The organisers of the world’s largest dedicated hydrogen event, World Hydrogen 2024 Summit & Exhibition have announced it’s return to Rotterdam in May 2024, with an expansion of a whole extra summit day. Sustainable Energy Council (SEC) are partnering with the Government of the Netherlands, the Province of Zuid-Holland, the City of Rotterdam, and the Port of Rotterdam to host an extended, larger scale Summit in 2024, to expand the event to meet the surging demand.