Sue Robb of 4Children talks to Julie Laughton and Alison Britton from the Department for Education about the role of childminders in delivering the 30 hours free entitlement.
The Local Government Association (LGA) has called for a ‘far ranging government backed’ national database to help councils crack down on ‘rogue landlords’.
Under new proposed amendments to the Housing and Planning Bill, council house tenancies could be limited to a maximum of five years, phasing out lifelong agreements.
A new housing body has been introduced to examine ways in which councils can build more ‘desperately needed’ homes.
Scottish Parliament has called for local authorities to maximise the opportunities presented through pension funds to improve local infrastructure.
Housing experts have denounced the government’s ‘pay to stay’ policy, claiming forcing social housing tenants with higher incomes to pay more in rent will discourage them from increasing their earnings.
300,000 homes will be better protected from flooding by 2021 following a £2.3 billion investment in flood defence schemes.
As part of his joint Spending Review and Autumn Statement, Chancellor George Osborne has revealed that the housing budget is to be doubled to £2 billion a year.
A review has been launched to ensure that local communities benefit from development in their area.
Flintshire County Council has opted to suspend the Right to Buy scheme in its area due to a shortage of social housing.
A new report by the National Trust has stated that only one in three coastal planning authorities have maintained up-to-date policies on how to deal with rising sea levels and more frequent storms.
The Department for Communities and Local Government is setting out plans for a national minimum bedroom size.
Reductions to social rents will be of ‘little or no benefit’ to tenants and instead benefit the exchequer, according to a new report.
The Office for National Statistics has confirmed that Housing associations will join the public sector.
More than 100,000 children will wake up homeless on Christmas day, according to a report conducted by charity Shelter.
A new online resource has been set up to help local authorities spot the negative impacts housing conditions can have on health.
Sue Robb of 4Children talks to Julie Laughton and Alison Britton from the Department for Education about the role of childminders in delivering the 30 hours free entitlement.
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