UK coasts immersed in plastic waste endanger wildlife

Plastic debris made up of bottles and packaging are inundating some of the UK’s most beautiful beaches and remote coastline.

London Boroughs Legal Alliance to secure £6.3m legal services panels

The London Boroughs Legal Alliance are set to secure two panels worth an estimated £6.3 million for full service legal advice and regeneration.

£1 million to support charitable response to Grenfell Tower disaster

Sajid Javid has announced that the government is providing £1 million to support the charitable response to the Grenfell Tower disaster.

Bristol City Council to sell houses on the private market for the first time

A new housing development will see Bristol City Council building houses for sale on the private market for the first time.

Active Essex plan to change 1 million lives

Active Essex has launched a new four year strategy to tackle the issues around inactivity and change one million lives by getting Essex active.

New contract for Oxfordshire Household Waste Recycling Centre announced

A new management contract means that Oxfordshire will keep its entire network of HWRCs in the county open.

Broadband boost worth millions is to benefit thousands more rural Oxfordshire homes and businesses

A £4 million boost means that more of Oxfordshire’s most remote households and businesses will get access to high-speed broadband.

More than a million families face threats of being homeless by 2020

A combination of rising costs of renting, low wages and freezes to benefits could cause more than one million households to become homeless.

Refuse workers at Birmingham council set to strike

Refuse workers at Birmingham city council are set to strike as claims of ‘a bullying culture’ and ‘financial incompetence’ have unveiled.

Lib Dems look to end pay cap for emergency services

The public sector pay cap should be cut in recognition of the work of the emergency services following recent events, says Tim Farron.

Stalled energy policy means UK will miss carbon emissions target

A survey conducted by the Energy Institute has found that industry professionals believe the energy policy is ‘on pause’.

60 high-rises fail fire safety tests

The number of high-rise buildings which have failed a combustibility test is now 60 across 25 local authority areas.


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