5G tech rollout to benefit from better street furniture access

Mobile network operators will get easier access to lampposts, bus shelters and other street furniture to speed up the roll out of ultrafast 5G technology.

UK likely to pressure post-Brexit departure from GDPR

Oliver Dowden has said that Britain will attempt to move away from European data protection regulations as it overhauls its privacy rules after Brexit.

Councils’ cyber security is disjointed and under-resourced

A new report has highlighted a disparate and fragmented approach to cyber security among local authorities in the UK.

Mobile connectivity programme targets rural areas

People in rural Scotland, Wales and the North East of England are set to enjoy huge improvements in mobile coverage.

Just half of local authorities employ a chief digital officer

Less than half of UK local authorities currently employ a chief digital officer responsible for overseeing the organisation’s digital transformation.

Tackle the UK’s increasing digital divide, say academics

Academics from the University of Manchester have called for urgent actions to be taken to tackle the increasing digital divide in the UK.

Blueprint established to secure smart cities

The NCSC is offering local and national authorities expert guidance to protect their citizens by making their smart cities resilient to cyber attacks.

Data remains an issue for public sector, finds survey

 A survey finds an overwhelming desire within the public sector to harness innovative technology that is hampered by lack of certainty over data residency. 

Self-driving vehicles on UK roads this year

The Department for Transport has announced that motorists could see self-driving vehicles on British roads for the first time later this year.

Connecting Scotland investment exceeds £48m

Investment in the Connecting Scotland programme has now been increased to more than £48 million.

First areas for £5bn ‘Project Gigabit’ revealed

More than one million hard to reach homes and businesses will have next generation gigabit broadband built to them.

Scotland sets out ‘world leading’ digital plans

An ambition to achieve ‘world leading’ levels of digital inclusion is at the heart of plans to equip Scotland for further technological transformation.
