Sue Robb of 4Children talks to Julie Laughton and Alison Britton from the Department for Education about the role of childminders in delivering the 30 hours free entitlement.
Housing experts have denounced the government’s ‘pay to stay’ policy, claiming forcing social housing tenants with higher incomes to pay more in rent will discourage them from increasing their earnings.
MP’s have agreed a tax on sugary drinks should be introduced as a measure to tackle child obesity in England.
The Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) has warned that planned cuts to the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) budget will mean councils losing out and only being able to provide basic services.
George Osborne has revealed that councils will be given even more powers over decision making in their local areas as part of his Spending Review and Autumn Statement.
As part of his joint Spending Review and Autumn Statement, Chancellor George Osborne has revealed that the housing budget is to be doubled to £2 billion a year.
A report conducted by the Trade Union Congress (TUS), for the Fabian Society, has outlined where public spending cuts have undermined service quality by reducing provision and increasing waiting times for critical services.
Data published by the RAC Foundation has revealed that 2,375 council-maintained road bridges are unable to carry the heaviest vehicles, and it will cost £328 million to repair them.
The government has announced plans to close all coal-fired power stations by 2025 and restrict their use by 2023.
According to research conducted by the Independent Age (IA) and the International Longevity Centre-UK (ILC-UK), the adult social care sector in England faces a staff gap of 200,000 due to restrictions on immigration and a failure to attract British employees.
The West Midlands has won a devolution deal, receiving £1.2 billion in spending power from the government which it will use over the next 30 years.
Four government departments have agreed to reduce their spending by an average of 30 per cent over the next four years.
According to Arts Council England, libraries have been promised £2.6 million in funding in a bid to provide better Wi-Fi to users.
Chancellor George Osborne has said he will listen to the concerns being raised regarding proposed changed to tax credits, after the House of Lords voted to delay the reforms.
Peers are set to vote on whether the government’s proposed cuts to tax credits should be delayed or removed completely in a showdown at the House of Lords.
Prime Minister David Cameron is being urged to reverse his opposition to a sugar tax after ministers published a secret official report on child obesity, suggesting that a levy of 10 to 20 per cent is needed to tackle the problem.
Sue Robb of 4Children talks to Julie Laughton and Alison Britton from the Department for Education about the role of childminders in delivering the 30 hours free entitlement.
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