Hertfordshire County Council has awarded a contract worth £1 billion to waste management firm Veolia, to provide waste to energy services.

Over £7 million has been awarded to help create and develop around 140 new farming businesses across Scotland.

A new poll shows nearly 30 per cent of us could recycle more, with confusing information the main stumbling block to adoption.

A new report has claimed that there needs to be continual support for the north’s low carbon economy, to increase economic activity in the region.

National Recycling Week (NRW) will highlight the many measures councils have introduced to maximise recycling.

New approaches to make the UK more resilient to flooding have been outlined in the government’s National Flood Resilience Review.

A new Heritage Lottery Fund report has called for collaborative national and local action to deliver new ways of funding parks.

A government scheme using longer semi-trailers to transport goods has saved up to 10.6 million vehicle kilometres, meaning cleaner public air.

Over £1million has been paid out by the government to more than 180 flood-hit farmers to help their business recovery after last Winter’s storms.

Doctors prescribing outdoor exercise to patients would see more people doing physical activity, councils claim.

MPs and council leaders have written to Prime Minister Theresa May pressing the government to act on flood defence recommendations before the arrival of Winter, after its review was delayed.

Research has claimed that the failure to improve air pollution in UK cities is due to the political prioritising of economic growth and road safety

Prime Minister Theresa May has announced a £40 million Discover England fund aimed at helping Britain outcompete other tourism destinations and to

Stoke-on-Trent Council has taken on ‘waste minimisation’ staff to check through residents’ rubbish and ensure they’re throwing away the right kind of waste.

A lack of money and further expected budget cuts is putting parks in Brighton and Hove at risk, according to the City Council.


Event Diary


UKREiiF has quickly become a must-attend in the industry calendar for Government departments and local authorities.

The organisers of the world’s largest dedicated hydrogen event, World Hydrogen 2024 Summit & Exhibition have announced it’s return to Rotterdam in May 2024, with an expansion of a whole extra summit day. Sustainable Energy Council (SEC) are partnering with the Government of the Netherlands, the Province of Zuid-Holland, the City of Rotterdam, and the Port of Rotterdam to host an extended, larger scale Summit in 2024, to expand the event to meet the surging demand.